Saturday 23 November 2013

Friday 22 November 2013


I love music, it helps me get through everyday life whether it be the ups or the downs.

I use Spotify as my main source of music (YouTube being the second) which is an online music streaming service. I use it on my laptop but it is available on other devices.

I've created playlist of my favourite songs that I've been listening to. 

(Look left hand side).

(Hopefully) everyday, I'm gonna add more songs so there should be loads of songs soon. 

Hope you enjoy the tunes.

- #TypicalTeen


I recently entered a competition to design a charity Christmas card design and I won. My prize was a £15 WHSmith Voucher. It's not much but I still won and that's what matters really.

This was my design (below).   

- #TypicalTeen

Monday 18 November 2013


On Friday 15th (Children In Need), I got the teachers at my school to sponsor me to do sponsored silence for two hours (so basically they were just paying me to shut up). Altogether I raised over £200 and on top of that my school raised money by having a pyjama day.

- #TypicalTeen


Friday 15 November 2013


Hey, my name's Mack and this is my blog.

I was born January 8 in Birmingham so that makes me a Capricorn and a brummie.

I love football and music. I also like playing on my XBOX and going on my laptop.

I have Asperges Syndrome which is a form of Autism. It doesn't affect me as much as people think it would but because of my disability, I attend a special school.

My favourite subjects are Maths, ICT and Science simply because they're pretty easy subjects for me. If they weren't easy, I wouldn't like them.

Anyway that's me done for now but here's a video of me that I think you might enjoy.

Me v Elastic Band

- #TypicalTeen